Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blog Post #5

Scott McLeod

Dr. Scott McLeod, J.D., Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership. He works at the University of Kentucky. He is the Founding Director of UCEA Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education. Did You Know (Shift Happens) is a wildly recognized video that Dr. McLeod is a co-creator of. He is a big advocate of technology in classrooms.

I completely agree with Dr. McLeod. Technology is used more and more everyday, and it should be used by children. In my opinion, sarcasm is a good way to get your point across. It makes people stop and think about what you say and what you mean. Technology is a great way to teach children and to help them learn. Children are so good with technology that they should be used in classrooms and at home. I also believe that as educators we should monitor what children are doing on the internet, because not everything and everyone on the internet is/are good.

Blog Post #5

ISchool Initiative

Travis Allen's video is called The ISchool Initiative. This video talks about a thing called ISchool. ISchool is a way to save students, teachers, and schools money. A student will spend approximately $150 on an IPhone (maybe even less now), opposed to approximately $600 without ISchool. The applications that were talked about in this video such as; Graphing Calculator, Chemical Touch, and U.S Constitution (there are many more, this is just a couple options). Getting these applications allows the students to save money and to be able to use these applications hands-on. ISchool is another video done by Travis. This video explains how that his ISchool has become well known and that there are schools in California that have adopted ISchool for their schools.

I absolutely love this idea! School can get so expensive for the students, teachers, and the schools. ISchool is an awesome way to cut back on the costs of books, paper, ink cartridges, markers/chalk, and projectors. I know as a student and one day an educator that cost of school is very expensive, and anyway to save money is an awesome thing! I hope when I become a teacher that my school will either be using ISchool or be thing about adopting ISchool, if not I will definitely show this website to the principal of the school I am teaching at.

Virtual Choir

This video was founded by Jennifer Chambers. It is a bunch of people from all over the world performing Lux Aurumque. The interesting thing is that these people do not know each other and they have never performed together. This video is really interesting to me, because I never thought about all the people on youtube singing the same song and posting it on the internet. This video shows that we may look different from each other, but we all have more similarities then we realize. I think this is an awesome way to show how much people across the world are alike.

Teaching in the 21st Century

This video was done by Kevin Roberts called Teaching in the 21st Century. Kevin Roberts expresses in his video that teaching without technology is not a good idea, because students should use technology to answer questions and to learn more. I agree with Kevin Roberts' idea about teaching in the 21st century, because I believe that students learn information better when they do if a teacher is telling them the information. I feel that he is correct in that technology will become a huge part of schools, and as an educator I will use technology. I think technology is a wonderful to learn new things.

Reading Rockets

Top 12 Comprehension Applications is the first resource that I chose. I really love this application because I want to be a second grade teacher and this resource shows many different ways to help teach a young child to read and write. There are, in the resource, the top 12 applications to use to help a young child learn. These applications are cheap and are easy to use. Children seem to love being able to interact with the applications by games and other activities. When they win the game they get to advance to the next level. I love this because I love the idea of using technology in the classroom and allowing the student to interact on the internet or with an application.

The next resource I chose was Reading 101. This resource gives ten reasons why young children have problems reading. The reasons children have problems learning to read are print awareness, the sounds of speech, phonemic awareness, phonics, informal assessment, fluency, vocabulary, spelling, writing and comprehension. This resource goes into detail about how to help the student be able to learn to read easily. I love this resource because every child learns differently and have different problems, and this tells you how to help these students.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Blog Post #4

1st Graders Create Own Read Along Books

Ms. Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano wrote this blog named 1st Graders Create Own Read Along Books(1st Graders Create Own Read Along Books). This blog talked about how Ms. Tolisano spent time with some first graders, while their teacher was not there. She had them listen to an audio about a dinosaur book, and afterwards she interviewed them in a pod-cast. The first graders enjoyed being recorded so much that they wanted to be re-recorded and they even tried to change their volume, fluency, pitch, and speed of their voice. She used Garageband to record the children in the pod-cast.

I really love this blog post! I think that pod-casting with young children is an awesome and fun way to get them acquainted with technology. I also believe that having the children follow along reading the book with an audio book is a wonderful way to help them learn to read and it also helps them learn to spell when the words are right in front of them. Children grow up around technology and, are so smart with technology, that they would have no problem learning how to use pod-casts and how to access them on the internet.

Podcasting with First Grade

This blog post was also written by Ms. Tolisano. This blog is called Podcasting with First Grade(Podcasting with First Grade). This blog Ms. Tolisano also pod-casts with some first graders. She has them read the book Vacation under the Volcano by Mary Pope Osborne. She has her male students write interview questions for Jack and her female students write interview questions for Annie. Afterwards she chose some questions from her students and then has them pod-cast asking the questions and answering questions. She also records the pod-cast on Garageband.

I really thought that this is a great way to let the children get involved with their education. The children really seemed to enjoy pod-casting and getting fed-back from all over the world. I feel that this is an awesome way to get children of any age interested in learning and in technology. The first graders in this class really enjoyed hearing themselves and recording for the podcast. I will definitely do this with my class when I start to teach, because I love technology and I feel that it is a great way to learn and to teach.


This blog was also written by Ms. Tolisano called Listening-Comprehesion-Podcasting(Listening-Comprehension-Podcasting). This blog post is about second graders who are reading Purim and trying to learn Hebrew. The second graders in this class were trying to learn Hebrew, so Ms. Tolisano had them record a sentence from the book in Hebrew on Garageband. The point of this was not for them to learn how to use Garageband or how to pod-cast, because they already knew how to do that from their previous year, but to help them learn Hebrew and to hear how the words should be to pronounced and how the whole sentence sounded together. Ms. Tolisano had the students record their sentence in pieces to help them learn the language and how to speak it. She had them put the pieces of the sentence together on the SmartBoard to show how the sentence should be structured and how the sentence would sound together.

I really believe that this is a great way to teach a child a foreign language. I know if I could have been able to manipulate the language on the SmartBoard, it may have been easier to understand and easy to learn. Learning another language is hard and can be confusing, and I feel that letting the students hear the language spoken on a pod-cast from people who are fluent in that particular language is an awesome way to help them learn the language.

blog post #4

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Project #5

C4T Project #3

This blog was written by Mrs. Denise Kreps. This blog is named Taking Pictures with Words. She is a middle school English teacher. Mrs. Kreps first post is about the 365 project. This project is where someone will take a picture of something and write a little bit about that picture each day for a year. I really like this project because it makes you stop and take a look around instead of letting everything pass by. I posted on this blog explaining how interested I was in this project, and she replied back to me giving me the link and thanking me for commenting. I also mentioned that I wanted my class, when I start teaching, to join in on this project and Mrs. Krebs said that she was going to have her class do it also.

Taking Pictures with Words
January 15, 2012 by Denise Krebs | 13 Comments

The roads were 100% snow covered in some areas, and I had precious cargo in the van with me–students on the way to a quiz bowl meet. There were dozens of photographs jumping out to be taken, but I had precious cargo and I couldn’t stop–we would have been late and there were several cars in the ditches.
Since June, I have been taking many more photographs. Most of them with my point-and-shoot camera, and I am no expert. However, I have gone from the one who didn’t have a camera, or if I did, the batteries were dead to one who is always prepared and on the lookout for photos.
Last summer I received a tweet from Sheri Edwards inviting me to participate in the June, July, and August Project (#JJAProject) which was started by some fellow teachers. After that was over, a few of us continued with the Teachers’ Foto Friday (#TFotoFri) once a week group. Now, about 20 teachers and I are attempting the #T365Project, a picture a day in 2012.
But back to my snowy road trip. This was the first snowy day of the year and only the second of the whole winter! I was so taken with all the beauty, finding photographs everywhere I looked — from the quick sparks and snowy powder shooting up from the blade of the heavy snow plow in front of me to the gentle, intricate flakes falling and melting onto the warm windscreen of the van.
Today, instead of taking the pictures, I could only talk to myself about them.
Some more photos I missed…
 Powdered sugar snowfall sprinkled evenly on the oxidized railroad bridge.
 Hay bails lined up in formation with uniform helmets of snow.
 Festive and frosted evergreens, missing during Christmas, now found interspersed among the bare deciduous trees.
 Thin ice, now snow-covered, proved to me it was at least thick enough to hold the deer whose tracks ran down the middle of the river.
After a long day, we turned around and retraced our steps, the snow mostly gone after a sunny winter day. However, the images continued to come.
 Reflective tape danced in the sun as the box cars and tankers rumbled by at a train crossing, train art graffiti occasionally broke the rhythm.
 Golden grass, bent in the breeze, absorbed and reflected the late afternoon sunshine.
Without my camera, I discovered that my year-long photography adventure is making me a better observer, a better describer, and a better writer. As a literacy teacher, I couldn’t help but wonder if taking photos would have the same effect on students’ writing. What do you think?
Will a photography challenge help students observe, describe, and write?
When they find themselves unable to get a shot they long for, will they take pictures with words?

Mrs. Denise,
I really like the 365 project. It is so interesting and really does make you stop and take a look around. I know I am so busy that I have to make myself stop and take a look around instead of letting everything fly by. I am not a teacher at the moment but I am in college to be a teacher and I would like to do the 365 project with them. I hope that this project works for your class.

Thanks for coming by and taking the time to comment here. I hope you will join the 365 Project. Just click on the link above and join us! My students have not started a photo challenge yet, so I was glad you left this comment. It reminds me to get going on that! I do know that as they are learning to blog, they are becoming better writers.

Goal #2 – Magical Moments in Teaching

This is the second blog that Mrs. Kreb's wrote. It is about how there is that magical moment in teaching that makes everything worth it. Mrs. Krebs has a student that won a writing contest and this blog is talking about the student and about the feeling that Mrs. Kreb's felt. I commented on this blog saying that I cannot wait until I have my own class and that I get to feel that magical moment.
Mrs. Kreb's commented back saying that it is a great feeling when a student does something that they feel accomplished about. She asked me when I was graduating and getting my own class. I commented back and told her in 2013 hopefully!

February 1, 2012 by Denise Krebs | 1 Comment

In The 30 Goals Challenge 2012, Goal #2 is Highlight Your Magical Teaching Moment.

It’s hard for me to think of one defining magical moment. Instead, there are magical moments daily, cumulatively making me know that I have the best job in the entire world. I am lucky and blessed to be able to spend my day learning and growing with junior highers. Anyway, here is just one magical moment of the year.

Miss A began a novel during genius hour, and she continued in November during National Novel Writing Month. She has been a writer for a while, but she is now writing more than ever. She regularly blogs about her life and experiences. Last month she wrote a short story for submission to a writing contest in our area. She won first place and went on to state competition.

Here is what she wrote in a blog post about the contest:

In geography Mrs. Krebs came in and said I won first place in a writing competition. Another classmate got second. I am happy that I won…My story was about growing up. It had to be 750 words at the most. It was hard not to go over the limit but I did it. I am excited. I can’t wait until I’m a published Author. The story was about a girl who lost her best friend because of cancer. She tried to kill herself then realized that she could help others instead of being miserable and sulky.
Miss A is developing her skills, finding her voice, and sharing it with the world. That is what it’s all about!

Mrs. Denise,
This is Candace. I really enjoy reading your blogs because they get me excited about becoming a teacher myself. I cannot wait to get that magical moment in teaching. I love when children get excited about learning and when they have that excited feeling when they finally understand. I can tell that you feel the same way! I hope I will be a teacher that children love to be in my class. Thank you!

Denise Krebs
February 6, 2012 at 7:29 pm
Thank you for reading my blog.
It is very exciting when I can engage students so they want to learn. It sounds like you have had some experiences like that in your pre-service experiences! It is a very special time when you finally get your own classroom too. How soon will that be for you?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Blog Post #3

Technology in Special Education

Stephanie Tyler introduced this video( Technology in Special Education), I really enjoyed this video because I want to be a Special Education teacher and this really helps me be able to understand how I should teach my students. Technology is a great way to help children with special needs be able to keep up with their work and be able to communicate with other people. Children seem to learn better with technology and are able to understand more when they see it in front of them and it be explained in detail in front of them.

Technology will eventually be the only thing used in schools and work places, so it is good to start students using them early on in life. Students with special needs can get programs on their computers, such as magnify text, that will help aid them in learning. Magnify text makes the text size on the computer and in their textbook as large as the student needs it to be. There are many more programs like this one that can help students with special needs and it can even help students and adults without special needs.

Stephanie Tyler also introduced this video "How the Ipad Works with Academics for Autism."( How the Ipad Works with Academics for Autism) This video was really interesting being able to watch because it shows Braden learning to use his motor skills, learn his numbers, and learn to write. There are so many apps out there that can help aid children with Autism and other special needs. These apps are sometimes free and sometimes cost, but usually are no more then $2.00. Children with special needs seem to learn better with these apps, then they did with pen and paper or a parent/teach trying to help them learn certain things.

The app I chose is Jr BINGO. This app teaches kids with or without special needs how to distinguish between the letters, shapes, and colors. This app also helps them learn the alphabet and the numbers up to 100. The child can choose between two different ways to play. The first game they can choose is called Practice. This uses flash cards to help them learn the numbers, letters, colors, and shapes. After they practice they can then play BINGO. This part of the game calls out the numbers, letters, colors, and shapes and they play BINGO. This app costs $0.99.

Gary Hayes Social Media Count

This chart was created by Gary Hayes and it amazes me! ( Gary’s Social Media Chart

) I cannot believe how many people all over the world do those things every second. I knew that the internet was a huge part of daily life, but I never realized how important and how many people used the internet and uploaded things on the internet every second. This chart was definitely a surprise to me.

I know I use the internet a lot. I have a facebook, a twitter, and a blog but I never realized how many people used these things every second of the day. The internet has now become a big part of everyone's life in the U.S. and other countries. People can now use the internet to do anything. People can use the internet to do anything, such as; learn how to do something, watch videos, listen to music, and go on social sites.

Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today

Michael Wesch introduced this video, it is a product of Kansas State University. ( Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today

) This video proves that most the times in classes that the students do not pay attention. They are either listening to music, on facebook, or they read something else. I am surprised at how many people pay for college classes, and do not attend their class or classes. I know I am sometimes guilty of this and I always get aggravated at myself for not going because I am paying for my classes, so why would I not go.

I know I like hybrid classes much better then classes that I go to everyday. I like being able to go to class some of the time and the other time doing my work on the internet. Sitting in a lecture class can get so boring and you are so temped to check your phone or check your social networks, that you usually do not hear half of the lecture. People's brain cannot comprehend an hour lecture at one time. For me hybrid classes are the best way to get the most out of my classes, because I can do my work on my own time and make sure I understand what I am doing.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blog Post #2

Did You Know?

This proves that the U.S. needs to improve there educational techniques to help our population become smarter. 25% of India's population with the highest IQ outnumbers the United State's. I was truly surprised at the statics about the texts sent every minute and about the number of people who have a computer at there home. I am also shocked that the number has gone up since 2011. I like how all this information was used together to prove a point about how technology has changed throughout the years and how they influence our learning abilities. Did You Know 3.0

Mr. Winkle Wakes

This video shows how much technology is used throughout the day and our lives. Just about every job now in the U.S. uses technology, such as computers, phones, fax machines, and copy machines. These machines have not always been used in technology, and this is why Mr. Winkle did not like working or going to the hospital. He liked school because they did not use as much technology and this reminded him of when he was in school. I do like how this video, it showed how technology has changed throughout the years, and that not everyone enjoys technology like others do. Mr. Winkle Wakes

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

Sir Ken Robinson thinks that creativity is one of the most important things for students to possess in school. He also says that students are scared of being wrong because they are taught that answering a question wrong is one of the worst things to happen. Schools throughout the whole world teach the same basic curriculum leaving music and art on the back burner. I feel that Sir Ken Robinson was right about creativity being taken out of education and the students. I like how he says that students need to be taught creativity to help them in the future. Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

A Version for 21st Century Learning

This video helps show that technology will be a part of everyone's life, in school and in their jobs. Children now a days spend so much time using technology that they will have no problems when they graduate and start their own job. Anyone can take a virtual tour of any building or place. This video tells the truth about that technology is taking over the world. Technology is used or will be used in every job and in schools. A Vision for 21st Century

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smart

I really like this video. I like that the students did all their work on a computer. This will definitely help them in the future when they graduate and get jobs. The students interacted with students all over the world which helps them with their social skills and to learn to use the internet and their computers properly. Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

Blog Post #2

Project 2 Wordle

about me world