Sunday, March 4, 2012

C4K #2


Darnell is an eighth grader. The blog post I chose to write on was "Why I Write". He gives many reasons as to why he likes to write. One of the reasons why he likes to read is because it is a way for him to communicate. I commented back to him telling him that I completely agreed with him on why he should write. Writing is a great way to express how you feel and to expand your vocabulary. I enjoyed reading his blog and told him to keep up the great work!

Why I Write
I write because writing is what got me to Eight grade and writing is one way of communicating. When the world didn't have cell-phones or computers writing was the best way to connect with other family members that lived out of town. The reason why people write is because its an easier way to get something out of your body.

Hello Darnell,

My name is Candace Buzbee and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I definitely agree with you on why you should write. Writing is a wonderful way to express yourself and to expand you vocabulary. I really enjoyed reading your blog! Keep up the good work!



Gulick is the next kids blog that I posted on. He is in the fourth grade. The blog I chose to comment on was his blog about his SIX pets. He names all his pets. He has two dogs, two goats, and two frogs. I commented on his blog telling him that I was also a huge animal fan myself, and I told him about my three pets. I also told him I enjoyed reading his blog and for him to keep up the great work.

My kidblog is about my pets. Most people have one or two pets, well I have six. I have two dogs, (Sofi and Sioux) two frogs (Man-O-War and Seabuiscut witch are my pets) and two goats (Prim and Luna.

Sofi is a Cavapoo Sioux is a black Lab. Prim is a LaMancha/Pygmi and Luna is a Sanaan. Man-O-War and seabuiscut …well I don’t really know wat they are.

Prim is almost one and luna is almost one.Sofi is two and Sioux is eight. Then my frogs are both about two.

Well those are my pets.

Dear Gulick,

My name is Candace Buzbee, and I am a student in EMD 310 at the University of South Alabama. I am a huge animal fan myself. I have two dogs and a cat. My dogs names are Natalie and Boatie, and my cats name is Prissy. I really enjoyed reading your blog! Keep up the good work!




Reece is a student is Mrs. Garcia's class. Reece's blog was about Mardi Gras. Reece tells many traditions participated in during Mardi Gras. One of the traditions is to eat King Cake. I commented tell Reece that I attend Mardi Gras every year and I love going. I told Reece that there was some things they commented in there blog that I did not know about Mardi Gras. I learned new things from Reece that I did not know, like the colors of Mardi Gras mean something.

Its Mardis Gras the day people give up something they like. The colors of Mardis Gras are purple green and gold each color means something purple means justice green means faith and gold stands for power.There’s another thing called king cake and they would put a plastic baby in the cake and who ever gets it would have to buy the next king cake.They also do a dance called 2nd line tradition marda .They also have football,and a type of cup.They have parades what last a long time and they also throw beads out in to the crowd.They also have as much as 800 million pounds of garbage.Beans means good luck.A million visitors come to the Mardis Gras . Mardis Gras is a huge celebration.

Dear Reece,

Hi my name is Candace Buzbee and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I live in Mobile, Alabama and Mardi Gras is also a big thing here, and it is something I have been around my entire life. I never knew that the colors meant something, and this was very interesting to find out. King cake is very good to eat. I enjoy catching the beads that are thrown during Mardi Gras. Have you ever been to a Mardi Gras parade? I really enjoyed reading your blog and learning more about Mardi Gras then I already knew! Keep up the amazing work!


C4K #2

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